Aren't words just amazing...
You can tell a story, paint a picture, travel the world, or galaxies even, just using the power of words. Kids are our creative powerhouses & encouraging them to dive into the the world of words head-first not only prepares them to be strong communicators, but also puts them on a creative path for life...
If you have a child who wants to expand their horizons and explore their creative potential, but is possibly being held back by their academic focus, I can help, with the finest tuition in English.
They will certainly leave me with the 'write' idea!
...And worth getting lost in!

"The secret of education lies in respecting the pupil."
My students span the age range: five year-olds wanting some help with their reading, through to university students who need to brush up on their basic English and essay writing skills.
Every student comes with their own particular goal but a growing number of intermediate and college students come concerned about their essay writing skills and general readiness for the NCEA or Cambridge exam system. It could be that they need help to find that belief in themselves, that in turn enables them to take their work to the next level. Or for some it's simply a matter of getting individual attention that can be hard to find in today's busy class, combined with a programme of work that targets particular areas. Some students just want to rekindle their creative writing abilities as they tend to do less and less with the onset of more formal writing.

English Tutor
I tutor after school for children looking for help with the following skills:
General English, Reading (assisting with problems achieving chronological reading and spelling age), Spelling, Essay Writing, NCEA & Cambridge.
Lessons are for one hour & payable termly, in advance.
Cost: $100 per hour
All exam classes attract a resources preparation fee (please enquire).
Creative Writing Tutor
I tutor individual children in creative writing to help nurture their talent. If you would like me to help bring out your child’s latent creative instincts, just give me a call to discuss.
Cost: $100 per hour

about me.

My name is Taryn & I’m a UK trained English primary / secondary teacher who has a passion for writing. Having taught in the UK and worked in the publishing industry for many years, I have experienced both the academic & commercial faces of creative writing.
I work as an English tutor in Murrays Bay, so if you're looking for extra tuition for your child on the north shore in Auckland, pop in because I’m just around the corner!
the Past
Teaching was a vocation that I followed across all age groups until the pull of a magazine career became too strong. Moving from academia to the fast-paced world of publishing was an 'interesting' lesson in how to move from the theory of words to their practical application. I gained a healthy respect for the intrinsic power of 'mis-using' words when the context demanded, breaking all accepted rules. But, of course, you need to know the rules in order to be able to break them with effect!
the Present
Developing focused bespoke programmes for each child (or adult) gives the student a feeling of ownership & creates safe boundaries for them to blossom within. I specialise in fostering these particular skills: Reading (especially assisting with problems achieving chronological reading & spelling ages), Spelling, Creative Writing, General English, Essay Writing, NCEA and Cambridge curriculae. Key to all these is instilling or re-discovering a joy of English. Even the most reluctant 'victims' get the 'write' idea in the end. No torture applied!
the Future
My greatest joy is watching my students achieve their own goals & ambitions. Alongside this, I continue to write my own children's stories. Having trodden the path of modern digital publishing (smashwords), I have discovered how wonderful it can be to not only craft words and ideas, but also to let others read them.

027 410 8380
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